Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский

cream away

  • 1 smooth

    [smu:ð] 1. adjective
    1) (having an even surface; not rough: Her skin is as smooth as satin.) macio
    2) (without lumps: Mix the ingredients to a smooth paste.) homogéneo
    3) ((of movement) without breaks, stops or jolts: Did you have a smooth flight from New York?) tranquilo
    4) (without problems or difficulties: a smooth journey; His progress towards promotion was smooth and rapid.) fácil
    5) ((too) agreeable and pleasant in manner etc: I don't trust those smooth salesmen.) suave
    2. verb
    1) ((often with down, out etc) to make (something) smooth or flat: She tried to smooth the creases out.) alisar
    2) ((with into or over): to rub (a liquid substance etc) gently over (a surface): Smooth the moisturizing cream into/over your face and neck.) espalhar
    - smoothly
    - smoothness
    * * *
    [smu:ð] n 1 ato de alisar ou polir. 2 lisura, polimento. • vt+vi 1 alisar, aplainar, polir. 2 acalmar, suavizar. 3 facilitar. 4 remover saliências, tornar plano. • adj 1 plano, liso, lustroso, polido. 2 macio, regular. 3 sem pelotas. 4 liso, sem cabelo, sem pêlo. 5 fácil, sem obstáculos ou dificuldades, suave. 6 calmo, sereno, plácido. 7 polido, agradável, afável. 8 lisonjeiro, bajulador. 9 brando, macio, agradável ao gosto ou ao ouvido, suave. 10 sl excelente, agradável, atraente. to smooth away afastar, descartar. he smoothed away the difficulties / ele afastou as dificuldades. to smooth down acalmar, moderar, suavizar. to smooth out alisar, passar a ferro, tirar dobras ou pregas. to smooth over atenuar, paliar. to smooth the way/ to smooth the path facilitar as coisas, abrir caminho, tornar mais fácil ou provável. to take the rough with the smooth aceitar o que vier: o bom e o ruim.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > smooth

  • 2 trifle

    1) (anything of very little value: $100 is a trifle when one is very rich.)
    2) ((a dish of) a sweet pudding made of sponge-cake, fruit, cream etc: I'm making a trifle for dessert.)
    * * *
    [tr'aifəl] n 1 ninharia, bagatela, insignificância. he stands upon trifles / ele é mesquinho. don’t stick at trifles / não se preocupe com ninharias. 2 coll quantidade pequena, pouquinho. 3 Cook doce feito de bolo, creme, frutas e vinho. • vt+vi 1 brincar, gracejar. she trifled with his feelings / ela menosprezou seus sentimentos. he is not (the man) to be trifled with / ele não é de menosprezar. 2 gastar (tempo ou dinheiro) em coisas inúteis, passar o tempo, ficar à toa. don’t trifle away (through) your time! / não perca seu tempo à toa! 3 esbanjar. a mere trifle apenas uma ninharia. to seem a trifle odd parecer um pouco esquisito. to trifle away the money esbanjar o dinheiro.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > trifle

  • 3 long

    I 1. [loŋ] adjective
    1) (measuring a great distance from one end to the other: a long journey; a long road; long legs.) comprido
    2) (having a great period of time from the first moment to the last: The book took a long time to read; a long conversation; a long delay.) longo
    3) (measuring a certain amount in distance or time: The wire is two centimetres long; The television programme was just over an hour long.) de comprido
    4) (away, doing or using something etc for a great period of time: Will you be long?) demorado
    5) (reaching to a great distance in space or time: She has a long memory) comprido
    2. adverb
    1) (a great period of time: This happened long before you were born.) muito tempo
    2) (for a great period of time: Have you been waiting long?) muito tempo
    - long-distance
    - long-drawn-out
    - longhand
    - long house
    - long jump
    - long-playing record
    - long-range
    - long-sighted
    - long-sightedness
    - long-suffering
    - long-winded
    - as long as / so long as
    - before very long
    - before long
    - in the long run
    - the long and the short of it
    - no longer
    - so long!
    II [loŋ] verb
    ((often with for) to wish very much: He longed to go home; I am longing for a drink.) desejar
    - longingly
    * * *
    [lɔŋ] n 1 sílaba longa. 2 período ou grande distância. • adj 1 longo, comprido, alongado. 2 extenso. 3 tardio, dilatório. 4 de longo alcance. • adv 1 durante. 2 por longo tempo. 3 longamente. 4 a grande distância. as long as contanto que. before long logo, em breve. for long por muito tempo. how long...? há quanto tempo...? how long have you been here? / há quanto tempo você já está aqui? in the long run com o tempo. long since há muito tempo. so long até logo. the long and the short of it todo o assunto em poucas palavras. to be long tardar.
    [lɔŋ] vt cobiçar, ambicionar, almejar, ansiar. the children are longing for ice-cream / as crianças estão loucas (anseiam) por sorvete.
    abbr longitude (longitude).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > long

  • 4 whip

    [wip] 1. noun
    1) (a long cord or strip of leather attached to a handle, used for punishing people, driving horses etc: He carries a whip but he would never use it on the horse.) chicote
    2) (in parliament, a member chosen by his party to make sure that no one fails to vote on important questions.) leader da bancada
    2. verb
    1) (to strike with a whip: He whipped the horse to make it go faster; The criminals were whipped.) chicotear
    2) (to beat (eggs etc).) bater
    3) (to move fast especially with a twisting motion like a whip: Suddenly he whipped round and saw me; He whipped out a revolver and shot her.) virar-se
    - whipped cream
    - whip up
    * * *
    [wip] n 1 chicote, azorrague, açoite, látego. 2 chicotada. 3 cocheiro. 4 picador (caça). 5 num partido, o membro encarregado de fazer comparecerem os seus correligionários às sessões do parlamento. 6 Brit, Cook sobremesa de creme, ovos, etc. batidos. • vt+vi 1 chicotear, açoitar, surrar, vergastar. 2 arrancar (paletó). 3 sacar (arma). 4 coll derrotar, vencer. 5 bater (creme, ovos, etc.). 6 franzir (costura). 7 enrolar, envolver com fio (corda, etc.). 8 pescar em. 9 mover(-se) depressa, correr, saltar. 10 pôr ou puxar depressa. chief/ government whip no partido governante, o membro que cuida do comparecimento de seus partidários ao parlamento. to whip away a) tocar, expulsar. b) arrancar. to whip back a) tocar para trás. b) percorrer rapidamente. to whip in a) reunir, ajuntar como se ajunta a boiada. b) intrometer-se, entrar na conversa. to whip into fig fazer entrar à força, inculcar (lição). to whip off a) tocar, enxotar, expulsar. b) tirar bruscamente, arrancar (chapéu, paletó). c) fugir. to whip on impelir, fazer correr mais (cavalo). to whip out a) expulsar, afugentar a chicotadas. b) puxar rapidamente, sacar (arma). to whip out of a) tocar para fora. b) fig fazer criar juízo. to whip round a) virar-se, volver rapidamente. b) sair correndo. to whip up a) tocar, fazer andar batendo. b) reunir (partidários). c) Naut guindar, içar. d) excitar sentimentos. e) rebater rapidamente (tênis).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > whip

  • 5 whisk

    [wisk] 1. verb
    1) (to sweep, or cause to move, rapidly: He whisked the dirty dishes off the table; He whisked her off to the doctor.) levar
    2) (to beat (eggs etc) with a fork or whisk.) bater (ovos)
    2. noun
    1) (a rapid, sweeping motion.) batedela
    2) (a kitchen tool made of wire etc, for beating eggs, cream etc.) batedor
    * * *
    [wisk] n movimento rápido e repentino. • vt+vi 1 tirar, varrer, espanar (pó, migalhas, etc.). 2 mover(-se) rapidamente, voar, chispar. 3 apanhar, pegar leve e ligeiramente, arrebatar. to whisk away a) varrer. b) dar pouca atenção a (alguém), despachar logo. to whisk off a) passar depressa um pano (para limpar o pó). b) levar ou transportar depressa.
    [wisk] n 1 espanador, vassourinha. 2 batedor de ovos. • vt bater (ovos, creme, nata).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > whisk

См. также в других словарях:

  • Cream (band) — Cream Cream, 1966. L R: Ginger Baker, Jack Bruce, and Eric Clapton Background information Origin London, England …   Wikipedia

  • Cream skimming — is a pejorative term used to refer to the perceived business practice of a company providing a product or a service to only the high value or low cost customers of that product or service. Whether or not the perceived negative effects of cream… …   Wikipedia

  • cream — ► NOUN 1) the thick white or pale yellow fatty liquid which rises to the top when milk is left to stand. 2) a dessert or other food containing cream or having a creamy consistency. 3) a thick liquid or semi solid cosmetic or medical preparation.… …   English terms dictionary

  • Cream-coloured Courser — Dibba, United Arab Emirates Conservation status …   Wikipedia

  • cream somebody off — ˌcream sb/sthˈoff derived to take sth away, usually the best people or things or an amount of money, in order to get an advantage for yourself • The best students were creamed off by the grammar schools. Main entry: ↑creamderived …   Useful english dictionary

  • Cream — Запрос «Cream» перенаправляется сюда; см. также другие значения. Cream …   Википедия

  • cream off — verb 1. remove from the surface skim cream from the surface of milk • Syn: ↑skim, ↑skim off, ↑cream • See Also: ↑cream off (for: ↑cream), ↑skim off …   Useful english dictionary

  • Cream gene — Perlino redirects here. For the Polish village, see Perlino, Poland. The action of the cream gene on a chestnut base coat produces palomino …   Wikipedia

  • Cream — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Cream (homonymie). Cream Pays d’origine …   Wikipédia en Français

  • cream — noun 1》 the thick white or pale yellow fatty liquid which rises to the top when milk is left to stand.     ↘a sauce, soup, dessert, or other food containing cream or having the consistency of cream. 2》 a thick liquid or semi solid cosmetic or… …   English new terms dictionary

  • cream off — 1) PHRASAL VERB (disapproval) To cream off part of a group of people means to take them away and treat them in a special way, because they are better than the others. [V P n (not pron)] The private schools cream off many of the best pupils. 2)… …   English dictionary

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